Ways to Earn a Healthy Supplemental Income

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Looking for ways to survive today’s economy? Need some extra cash in your pockets? There are quite a few legal ways of earning that supplemental income. Earning a supplemental income takes time and hard work to really build up to higher income, but it can be worth all the effort. Work part-time or full-time by scheduling your own hours and accepting the jobs you most want to do. How much money you make is all up to you.

  1. Consider your current skills, interests and experiences. What do you most enjoy doing? What do you do well? And, how can you turn those skills and experiences into cash? Do you enjoy kids? Try babysitting for a few neighborhood families. Moms need a break now and then, too! Can you assist the elderly with their grocery shopping or run errands for them? Assess what the needs are in your community and see if you can fill some of them. Pass out flyers and business cards, remember to include your contact information, and you’re sure to get some business!
  2. Freelance Writing – It is possible to earn an income by submitting a few articles to websites like textbroker.com, www.ecopywriters.com, or www.constantcontent.com and get paid for them. Is there a topic that you consider yourself to be an expert in? Is there something you can explain or discuss in writing that may assist someone else? Consider this option! It’s easy. It usually helps to have a free www.PayPal.com account in order to get paid. All you need is access to the internet, basic grammar and spelling abilities, and a drive to follow through.
  3. Selling Blood / Blood Plasma – There is a shortage in the U.S. for blood and blood plasma donors. If you are not HIV-infected or a drug user, you have a good chance of earning some extra cash with this method. If you live in heavily-populated urban areas, you probably have several locations where you can go to sell your blood / blood plasma that you’ve never previously considered. And within 48-hours your body regenerates the missing blood / blood plasma so you won’t even miss it. LifeSource is one example of an organization that will pay for your donation. Plus, you may even get cookies as a reward and to help raise your blood sugar afterwards.
  4. Complete online surveys. Yes, there really are legitimate companies online that will pay you to complete surveys. Palm Research http://palmresearch.com/index.pl?ref=1275334 is one company which I personally work with. This option may not pay a lot, but every extra little bit of cash can help in the long run.
  5. Do Transcription for online companies from the comfort of your own home. Schedule your own hours, accept the assignments you want, and watch the cash flow.
  6. Operate your own business. Mary Kay, Avon, and Tupperware are all excellent companies to run from home. There are many other small businesses you can own as well, all offering some form of training and ongoing support. After all, when you’re successful, you also help the person who brought you into the company to be successful.
  7. Consider becoming a movie or commercial extra. No experience is necessary. All you need to do is show up on time to the shoots, be accepted as a background character, and follow simple directions. You may be asked to sit and drink a cup of coffee, walk across a street, or have a quiet conversation with another extra. If the shoot is all-day, lunch is usually provided for you at no additional cost.
  8. Hold a garage or yard sale. Not only will you be able to unload all that extra stuff you’ve been meaning to get rid of, you can also make a decent penny at it. The more people you include in selling unwanted stuff, the more successful your sale can be. At the end of the sale don’t put all that leftover stuff away, donate it to a local charity instead. They’ll usually pick it up for free.
  9. Post more expensive items online, like on ebay.com or www.craigslist.org, and see if you get any interested buyers. You may be able to auction them off for a good price.
  10. Make a video and post it on youtube.com. You may not get paid for it right away; but if you market yourself well, you may be able to get a large enough fan base to make it worthwhile in the long run. Many people have created their own highly successful careers this way.

By following these suggestions, you are sure to increase your income and feel satisfaction while doing so.