Know More About The Uses Of Mirrors

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There are a lot of things that can be enumerated as uses of mirrors. You cannot realize very often because people tend to take for granted the things that they see every day. As mirrors surround the common places, they are thought of as something to check out if you want to look at your reflection. Of course, mirrors are more than just that. They hold many important roles in life.

How Do Mirrors Work

As a child, you probably wonder how mirrors work. Looking at your image and trying to misguide your reflection is one of the experiments that you probably did. This is a famous funny activity that every child had. Mirrors reflect your image is by reflecting the light. The light is made up of small particles called photons. When photons bounce on the surface of the mirrors, they cause the atoms to vibrate and release identical photons. Metals have their mirroring ability. The metal stainless pots and copper wires are the best conducting materials for light and electricity.

Types of Mirrors

There are different types of mirrors with different functions. The uses of mirrors can go on a long way if you bend, twist or curve it.

The basic types of mirrors are:

  • Flat mirror. It reflects the correct image of anything you placed in front of it. It is widely used in parlors so that clients can check on their appearances, home for personal hygiene, to make the space wider and also to reflect light inside the room.  It can also belong to  personal toiletries which you can carry around in your pocket to check how you look anytime and anywhere.
  • Convex mirrors. This is popularly used in automobiles. The mirror is slightly curves outward so that the images it reflects are slightly extended or distorted. It provides wide range of sight clearance.    Typically, this is attached to the side mirrors and rear mirrors.  It can also serve as a reflector to lamp posts to distribute the light in a larger area. It is used as anti-thief object in small convenience stores because of its ability to enlarge the alleys within a small area for security purposes.

  • Concave mirrors. This is the inward bending of a regular mirror. It makes the object small. The smallest reflected image is on the center. This is used to survey large space using a small mirror.  This also used as reflective mirrors for telescopes, and for light concentration.

Mirrors have important functions in your daily life.  You can use it not only to check on your reflection but also to ensure security, widen your view, and to reflect light. The uses of mirrors can be determined by its bends and curve according to what they are built for.