Acai Berry: Many Benefits to Health

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Cancer Cures, Diabetes, Wieght Loss, Heart Health and More

This berry is endorsed by Oprah and Dr. Oz. Who could be more trustworthy? This Brazilian fruit is said to have many, many health benefits. Most of all safe weight loss. Acai is chock full of anti-oxidants which is a huge plus by itself. Anti-oxidants are believed to have anti-aging properties. Acai fills your body with rich nutrients which in turn take away all those insane cravings. Your appetite is suppressed naturally without leaving you feeling like you are lacking anything. If you are already a healthy weight or thin the berry will not cause weight loss so even if you don’t need to lose weight you can still get many other benefits. Acai does come in diet pill form but is not as effective as eating the fruit itself. This is because the process involved in converting it too pill form takes away a lot of the nutrients. There is also a few companies that are marketing a juice made from the acia berry that is quite palatable. Acai speeds up metabolism which leads to more calories burned. It is a natural energy booster. The best place to purchase may be a health food store.

Acai berries are found only in the amazon so be careful of what you purchase and how it was processed. The berry also gives wonderful, protective benefits for the heart with it’s omega 9 and omega 6 and may even help to lower cholesterol. Acai berry also aids in digestion and cleansing the body of built up toxins.
So what is the down side? Well there are none known. The only possible problems have been linked to additives in some supplement forms. This should not be a concern if you buy reputably or go for a totally natural form. Many studies are ongoing with the acai berry. They are totally FDA approved. There is simply no way for this berry to harm the human body. A professor at University of Florida believes he has proven that acai destroys leukemia cells.

The acai berry may also be beneficial to diabetics, eyesight, circulation, mental clarity, digestion, cholesterol levels, prevention of atherosclerosis and the immune system. All fruits and veggies have some benefit but the acai seems to have more than it’s share. It naturally boost energy levels, fights cancerous cells, detoxifies the body, fights free radicals, may enhance sexual performance, increase sexual desire, is full of fiber, good for the heart, promotes healthy sleep and can minimize the aging process and help with inflammation. Researchers continue to study the acai berry in search of further benefits and possible cures or treatments.