Pomegranate Juice: Improving Health Risks

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Useful Applications for Pomegranate Juice

Long thought to be an non edible produce, the pomegranate is making new waves in consumer health including a positive impact on pregnant women and, in some cases, patient’s with cardiovascular ailments. In addition to health improvement, the pomegranate also provides for a unique addition to a home garden or landscape. As consumers, understanding the important value pomegranate will bring to the family and home will provide for an opportunity to further encourage a natural improvement to health.

Believed to have originated in the Mediterranean, the pomegranate provides for a beautiful addition to any yard or landscape. With 12 foot shrubs producing a beautiful pink and red fruit, the pomegranate will add color dimension to any home landscape in addition to provide edible fruit. As a heart plant, the pomegranate requires little in terms of water and can withstand cold temperatures, however it prefers the cool to warm tropical climates that are low in humidity. In the United State, the pomegranate is usually grown, for harvest to the consumer, in areas such as Washington and Utah. When ripe, the pomegranate seeds will produce a range of flavors from sweet to sour.

In terms of consumer goods, pomegranate juice has been produced in the United States with many consumers using sweet, thick pomegranate juice in culinary dishes or alcoholic beverages, often referred to as grenadine. Whether used as a grenadine product or as natural pomegranate juice and seeds, the pomegranate fruit provides a significant level of vitamin C and folic acid. As a result, natural pomegranate juice is a great supplement for the pregnant woman’s diet. In addition to vitamin C and folic acid, pomegranate juice is a rich source of anti-oxidants, often exhibiting a greater production than even red wine.

As an added health benefit, pomegranate juice is also believed to reduce the risk of high blood pressure by reducing the fatty deposits and plaque which build in the arteries. It is through the enhancement of the production of nitric oxide that pomegranates will not only reduce the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and cardiovascular disease, but may also work to actually treat these cardiovascular conditions.

Of significant concern is the dying effect of pomegranate juice. When consumed, steps should be taken to ensure the pomegranate juice does not come in contact with clothing as it is impossible to completely remove a pomegranate stain. In fact, many American companies are now using pomegranate derivatives to dye the clothing we wear on a daily basis.

As with any dietary supplement, consuming the product in moderation is a key factor to improving health. When pregnant or suffering from cardiovascular disease, consider discussing the consumption of pomegranate juice, on a regular basis, with your healthcare professional.