Inexpensive Landscaping Ideas for Front Yard

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Even though for many, time and finances can be limited, people still want their yards to be welcoming and attractive. When it comes to landscaping ideas for the front yard when you’re on a budget, it can be challenging to find ways to make your yard more attractive in a manner that is low maintenance. However, there are several things you can do when it comes to landscaping ideas for the front yard that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. A little garden knowledge, good planning, willingness and creativity is all you need to make your yard enjoyable for visitors and your family.

Simple and Affordable Landscaping Ideas for the Front Yard

Front YardBefore you begin, take photos of your front yard. Start at the front curb and be sure to capture every angle of your property. This will help you to identify any problem spots and assets, without becoming distracted with specific chores. Create a rough plan of your yard, measuring flower beds and areas that need the most maintenance and improvement. Compile a list of the issues you want to solve, as this type of preparation will give you an overall view of what needs to be done.

You can reduce the amount of maintenance that’s needed when it comes to landscaping ideas for your front yard, simply by reducing the size of your lawn. Replacing your lawn with ground cover, decorative or paving stones and easy to maintain and permanent planting beds will help you to save money in the long run and also free up your time. Choose a type of ground cover that’s appropriate to your climate and growing conditions.

Laying down pavers for a patio can help to reduce your lawn size and will produce a long lasting type of surface that will only require you to sweep it on occasion. You can plant decorative grass, miniature evergreens or place containers of potted flowers on top of your gravel bed, making it easier to weed and maintain, while also saving you money on your water bill.

How to Save Money and Time

How to Save Money and TimeSave even more money by not planting annual flowers or plants and instead choose perennial plants. Annual plants will only provide you with a year of beauty, especially in large beds. Perennials can last you for several years.

In order to maximize the effect of bright annual colors, use a small number of annual plants in containers or planters and place them in spots where they will definitely be noticed. Place a brightly colored container of zinnias by the mailbox or front door, as opposed to planting a thick border around the front of your home. Fill affordable terracotta planters with herbs and you’ll have a yard that’s not only well decorated but you’ll also benefit from the fact that it’s edible and makes your yard and home smell great too. Choose a few distinctive pots that make a decorative statement, even if they’re empty. As the seasons change, use these pots for daffodils or tulips, followed by chrysanthemums and geraniums.

Landscaping ideas for the front yard that can also help you to save money will involve the purchase of native plants. A native plant will need less overall care, as well as less water, pesticides and fertilizer. You can contact your local plant center to learn more about what plants are native to your state and the proper way to care for them.

Learning how to divide your existing plants and root new ones is a great way to expand your plant life. You can learn online how easy it is to root new plants and set up the newly cut growths in a safe place, such as your garage or shed, until they’ve rooted and are ready to plant.

How to Stretch that Budget

How to Stretch that BudgetA major landscaping project can range from a couple hundred dollars to many thousands. Whatever your budget may be, it will benefit you to spend some time planning your project and thinking about the best ways you can stretch your landscaping dollars.

  • To start, formulate a plan. A well-thought out design can reduce stress and save you time and money.
  • If you plan on hiring a contractor, plan on getting at least three itemized bids per project and be sure to compare them. Set the start and finish dates and ask for a written work guarantee.
  • When it comes to the contractor you choose and the materials they use, don’t skimp on the quality. It will cost you more time and money to fix flimsy construction.
  • Use what you can from your existing landscape. Before you tear down structures or dig up plants, think of ways to preserve them.
  • Move any existing shrubs and trees in order to protect them if necessary during construction. Make sure the area you relocate them to is ideal for their sunlight and shade requirements.
  • Improve and prepare the soil in your yard by adding organic matter such as rotted manure, compost, chopped leaves and grass clippings.
  • Prepare to lend a hand. Doing some of the work on your own can help to save you on the cost of installation.
  • Purchase the biggest trees that you can afford. These trees will require the most years of any plant to mature, but they can add a ton of value to your yard.
  • Be sure to weigh the advantages of groundcover, grass seed and sod. Sod will provide you with an instant lawn but it’s very costly when compared to grass seed.
  • To become established, grass seed needs approximately six months. However, it can germinate and grow very easily and it’s considered one of the best ways to stretch your landscaping dollars.
  • Talk to an expert for help during any stage of your landscape project. Advice and helpful tips can save you time, money and stress.
  • If you’re running power lines or water to a new area of your yard, consider installing more electrical outlets and water spigots where they are most needed.

Speak with your local garden center or county extension service for some expert advice when it comes to choosing the right plants for your garden.