How to Get Rid of Pimples > Fast

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Pimples can appear on any part of body back, chest, neck and face but the face is the part for which every one wishes that they don’t appear. The face is the most loved part and represent the overall beauty of person. Any black spot or pimple on face makes person uncomfortable and takes away from the charm of your face.

Let’s assume you have to go to party tomorrow and in the morning you notice a pimple on your face, it will take away the feeling of happiness and enjoy. All your efforts will be concentrated on that somehow it disappears and you even poke or press it which is even more risky as it increases the risk of infection to healthy skin around pimple. Peoples with any age group and gender can suffer from problem of pimples but teenagers and more of girls during puberty face pimples because of changing hormones in the body.

Peoples with oily skin face pimples more than peoples with dry skin. Pimples are skin infections caused by bacteria to oil glands under hair follicles. Infections in these oil glands become reason to blockages of skin pores result in pimples.

Main reasons behind pimples are hormonal changes, excessive use of cosmetics products, hereditary and not taking care of skin properly. As the pimples appear all efforts are made to fade out as fast as possible and in such care first thing came to mind as the treatment is OTC medicines and medicated skin creams. Rather than using medicated creams and all those use natural products to get rid of pimples.

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Pimples Fast

1. Lemon

Lemon because of anti-inflammatory and rich contents of vitamin C is very useful is getting in clear and healthy skin. Lemon is a natural bleaching agent so it can be used in getting rid of pimples.

How to Use

  • Apply lemon juice on pimples with help of cotton and keep it for about 20 minutes before washing it off with warm water. Do this process two to three times in a day for pimples to fade out in few days.
  • Another option, use lemon juice along with other natural products like groundnut oil to get rid of pimple. Mix one tablespoon each of groundnut oil and lemon juice and apply it on pimples. Wash your face after 20 minutes with warm water. Do it regularly to get positive results.
  • Use of rosewater, milk and egg white along with lemon juice can act as a natural home remedy to treat pimples.
  • Drinking one glass of lemon water with honey mixed empty stomach daily helps in getting glowing and clear skin. As lemon water helps in flushing out all the impurities of body which leads to healthy skin and reduces chances of pimples to appear on body results in charming face.

2. Garlic

Garlic is important ingredient of kitchen used in many vegetables while cooking. Garlic because of its antibacterial and antiseptic properties can be used as a natural home remedy to treat pimples.

How to Use

  • Rub the raw cloves of garlic on pimples and don’t wash your face for about 20 minutes. Repeat this process 2 to 3 times in a day for few weeks until pimples fade out.
  • Eating 1 or 2 cloves of garlic empty stomach every morning helps to purify blood which result in clear skin and prevents from black spots reason behind pimples.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is one more important ingredient used daily in cooking vegetables and cereals. We all know turmeric has many health benefits and healthy and beautiful skin is one of them. Due to its anti inflammatory and property to kill harmful bacteria which help in reducing chances of bacterial infection on skin can be a remedy to treat pimples. In Hindu religion, applying turmeric on the body of bride and groom before marriage is a ritual reason behind this is turmeric helps in getting beautiful skin and them look charming at the time of marriage.

How to Use

  • Make a paste with water and turmeric. Apply this paste on pimple and wash it off with water after few minutes. Make sure that you don’t keep this paste for too long as turmeric can leave yellow spots on face and make you uncomfortable to go out with these yellow spots.
  • Instead of water use juice extracted from coriander or neem leaves and make paste by mixing turmeric in it. Apply it on face as a face pack. Wash you face after keeping this paste for 10 minutes. Regular use will help in glowing skin and prevents from pimples.
  • Face pack made of sandalwood, rosewater and turmeric is very useful in getting rid pimples and promotes glow on skin.

4. Steam

Steam is a natural home remedy to many health problems and skin care is one of them. Steam bath is getting popular to get glow on skin as it helps in removing extra oil, bacteria and dirt due to pollution which results in healthy skin and free from pimples. Steam bath is not possible for everyone but one can get benefits of steam easily at home.

How to Use

  • Boil some water and place a towel on your head in such a way that steam from boiling water comes to face. Make sure that you shouldn’t place your face too close to boiling water because excess heat can harm you skin.
  • Repeat this for 2-3 times in a day for 1 to 2 week and you will see pimples fading.

5. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is one such herb which is used while cooking to give flavouring and taste enhancement. Cinnamon because of antimicrobial and antibacterial properties is a useful home remedy to treat pimples.

How to Use

  • Make a paste of cinnamon powder and honey. Apply this paste on pimples. Wash of the face with water after 15 to 20 minutes. Use it for few weeks and get rid of pimples.

6. Fenugreek

One more spice which can be used in getting rid of pimples along with other health benefits. Both fenugreek leaves and seeds are useful in care.

How to Use

  • Take few fenugreek leaves and make paste of it with help of water. Apply this paste on pimples and leave it for about half hour. Wash your face with warm water. Repeat it for 2 to 3 times in a week until you get rid of pimples.
  • Alternatively, Fenugreek seeds can be used to make paste but you have make powder of seeds first and remaining process is same as we told of fenugreek leaves.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural home remedy to treat pimples because of antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Apple cider vinegar helps in protecting skin from bacterial infections which lead to pimples.

How to Use

  • Take one spoon of apple cider vinegar and mix three spoons of water in it. Apply this mixture on affected area of face. Wash you face after 15 minutes. Do it for daily for few weeks to get positive results.

8. Orange Peels

Oranges are rich source of vitamin c which helps in formation of new blood cells. Even the orange peels are useful skin care product as it is a natural astringent for skin. It helps in keeping skin pores from getting blocked which becomes reasons of pimples.

How to Use

  • Don’t throw orange peels after eating oranges. Make them dried out. After drying orange peels make powder of them with help of grinder. Make paste from this powder by adding water. Apply this paste on face; wash off face after 20 minutes. Repetition can be done every week until you get rid of pimples.

So after knowing above natural ways to treat pimples make sure that before going to use medicated creams and treatment you will give natural products a try to treat pimples and to get healthy skin.