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Many people question the nutritional value of the foods they consume on a daily basis. With all of the additives and chemicals that are slipped into almost everything that’s consumed these days, a person begins to wonder how to obtain the vitamins and minerals that are essential to a healthy lifestyle. When you take into consideration that the kidneys and liver are the main organs for detoxification, it’s a good idea to take care of these two very important organs. One of the main functions for both of these vital organs is to flush the system of bacteria and toxins.
Improving Kidney and Liver Function
Prescribed and over the counter meds can put a strain on both the kidneys and liver. A bacterial infection can also be a danger to a person’s vitality and health. One way to reduce the amount of strain on these organs is to use a cranberry detox. If you’re someone who suffers from frequent UTIs, kidney problems or a general weakness of the kidneys, a detox might be just what you need.
The cranberry detox is quickly gaining popularity as more people become aware of the benefits cranberry juice can offer them. Cranberries possess a type of antiseptic quality that can directly affect the function of your kidneys. Consuming one to two glasses of cranberry juice a day can help to prevent infections, especially in those people who are the most susceptible to them.
The antiseptic properties that are found in a cranberry can kill off many different types of bacteria, while also preventing bacteria from sticking to the walls of the kidneys. Studies have shown that cranberry juice can help to minimize the amount of residue that adheres to the artery walls, reduce the formation of tumors and it can also help to lower a person’s cholesterol levels.
Cranberries are low in sodium and provide a high dose of resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant. These berries are also used as a good source of vitamins K, E and C and are high in fiber.
How Cranberries can Improve Your Overall Health
Cranberries are always popular during the holiday season, but we really don’t hear much about them for the rest of the year, which is surprising considering cranberries are one of the top antioxidant rich foods around. Cranberries pack more antioxidants ounce for ounce than any other type of super food, such as blueberries or spinach. One of the reasons cranberries remain in the dark is the fact that most people really don’t know what to do with them if they aren’t dried or canned. A fresh cranberry has a super tart taste and isn’t something you can use to top your oatmeal or granola. But learning how to add cranberries to your daily diet can have a major impact on your overall health, in a number of ways.
Kidney patients, elderly people, people recovering from an illness and pregnant women can all benefit from a cranberry juice detox. Cleansing the kidneys is one of the most crucial steps a person can take in order to ensure continued good health. If someone is susceptible to UTIs or kidney infections, a cranberry detox can help to significantly reduce the reoccurrence of infection.
When shopping for cranberry juice, look for products that are organic, with no added sugar. If you simply cannot stand the taste of cranberry juice you can look for a mixture of juices, such as cran-apple or cran-grape juice. Some cranberry supplement pills on the market today are also very effective and can be taken on a daily basis.
Cranberries also have an anti-inflammatory effect, which can definitely benefit people with such conditions as digestive disorders or chronic arthritis.
There are certain types of ulcers in the stomach that are related to a specific type of bacteria known as helicobacter pylori. Some research has shown that cranberries can help prevent this kind of bacteria from attaching to the lining of the stomach walls.
Cranberries can also be an important part of your dental health because they can prevent bacteria from sticking to the teeth. Their natural anti-inflammatory effects can also help to minimize inflammation around the gums, reducing your risks for periodontal disease.
Due to the cranberry’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, it’s also believed that they can work to naturally improve cholesterol levels. The polyphenols can work to prevent plaque buildup on vessel walls, and the antioxidants can work to naturally lower blood pressure.
Ongoing research continues to identify the number of ways cranberries are beneficial in slowing the growth of tumors. Adding cranberries to your everyday diet has also been shown to reduce your risks for certain types of cancers including colon, lung, breast and prostate cancer.
How do you Like Your Cranberries?
Some research has shown that taking isolated nutrients from cranberries in supplement form doesn’t offer the same amount of benefits you can enjoy from consuming whole berries. So basically, eating the whole berry is much better for you than taking an extract or supplement.
If possible, avoid eating dried cranberries, unless you know how to make your own. Most brands on the market add a ton of sugar to dried cranberries, which can aid in weight gain.
By far, the healthiest option is eating fresh whole cranberries. Fortunately, these berries can be frozen and used throughout the year. If they’re too tart for your taste, try adding them in smoothies. Add a ¼ cup of cranberries to your favorite smoothie, using almond milk, Greek yogurt and a blend of fresh fruit such as raspberries, blueberries or strawberries for the ultimate antioxidant morning drink.
Stew cranberries with strawberries and blackberries or apple slices and cinnamon for the perfect oatmeal or yogurt topping sauce.
Learning how to dry your own cranberries can give you all the benefits of eating your berries whole, just avoid recipes that require added sugar.
Try blending fresh cranberries to any salsa recipe. Add a little mango to the salsa to balance the tart taste.